Election of Chairman, Vice-Chairman and Secretariat of Commission of Access to Information

Anonymous (not verified)
Sun, Nov 24 2019 3:06 PM
Election of Chairman, Vice-Chairman AIC

The Commission of Access to Information conducted its first working session on 31st Dec 2018 and Mr. Ainuddin Bahodury has been elected as Chairman of the commission for the period of two years and six months. Based on article 22nd of Law on Access to Information; the commission members are obliged to appoint or elect the commission’s Chairman, Vice-Chairman and Secretariat. Then, based on a consensus; Mr. Ainuddin Bahodury was elected as Chairman, Ms. Najiba Maram as Vice-Chairman and Hamdullah Arbab as secretariat of the commission. In addition to the elections, the commission members visited the staff and organized their weekly plans with consideration of the priorities.
Members of Commission of Access to Information have been officially introduced by Vice-President his Excellency Sarwar Danish and started their work on 31st of December

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